0 APK Total Commander v1.01 Android Apps

APK Total Commander v1.01 Android Apps
Requirements: Android OS 1.5+ or higher
Overview: Android version of the desktop file manager Total Commander (www.ghisler.com).

Main features:
- Copy, Move whole subdirs
- Inplace rename, create directories
- Delete (no recycle bin)
- Zip and unzip, unrar
- Properties dialog, change permissions
- Built-in text editor
- Search function (also for text)
- Select/unselect groups of files
- Select by tapping on file icons
- List of installed Apps (built-in plugin)
- FTP client (plugin)
- WebDAV (Web folders) (plugin)
- LAN access (plugin)
- Root support for the main functions
- Send files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
- Thumbnails for pictures
- Two panels side by side, or virtual two panel mode
- Bookmarks
- Directory history
- Configurable button bar for changing directories, internal commands, launching apps, and sending shell commands
- Simple help function in English, German, Russian, Ukrainian and Czech
- Supported languages of the main program: English, German, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese and Ukrainian

What's in this version:
v1.01: This update is required to use Total Commander plugins downloaded from the Google Play store. Why? The internal plugin name had to be changed because Google Play does not accept plugin names starting with "com.android.". Unfortunately this means that the new plugins cannot access the connections of the old plugins.

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