Apk City Legends HD v1.01 Android Game Apps
Requirements: Android 2.1 and up
Apk City Legends HD v1.01 Android Game Apps
Overview: Build Your City
Welcome to City v1.01 Legends apk where you and your friends can create your new civilization on this city
build and decorate your city v1.01 with Stadium,Business Center,Town Hall and Arch. Check the screenshots for sample of wonderful cities.
come and visit others to praise their city v1.01 . add friends then you can praise more.
* over 80 home, public buildings, decorations and factory products.
* design and build your city v1.01 with your imagination.
* send gifts to your friends.
* repair other's building and also get bonus by collect them
* notification when goods are sold.
* gain coins when your sold goods.
* collect tax from your buildings
* vote other's city v1.01 if you like.
How To Play: Apk City Legends HD v1.01 Android Game Apps
* You may sometimes see a "repair" button on the buildings of your friend cities. Click the button to help repairing their houses. You will be rewarded with coins.
* You may sell products from Factories for coins or collect coins by taxing and repairing houses of your friends. You may also purchase gems and coins from Tapjoy Offerwall.
* Click a free factory and pick up a product to produce. Come later (as it takes some time to produce) and sell the product for profits.
* Some key points in this game: take part in the community actively and invite more friends. You will be rewarded with free buildings by exchanging gifts with them. Visit your friend and repair their buildings to earn coin rewards. And don't forget to collect taxes from your buildings.
* Different buildings provide various benefits. Houses increase your population, public buildings and decorations will make your citizens happy and thus increase the happiness index of your city v1.01 . Make a balance when developing the city v1.01 .
* Click on your avatar (top right of the screen) to display your homepage. Give it a good domain name!
* You are encouraged to visit other people's cities and make friends with them. Friends have the advantages to exchange gifts, help repairing buildings etc. You can vote for the city v1.01 you like to support your friend.
* Set up your FID by the third option of the Social Menu. People can add you as friend directly via FID.
* Have your city v1.01 upgraded then you can build more factories to accelerate the production.
* You can collect taxes from either houses or public buildings. Click on the building for the tax time schedule. Come back in time to collect taxes.
* If you come across a great city v1.01 that you like when visiting community friends, DO vote for it. Your vote will matter and increase its ranking in the whole Community.
* You can exchange gifts with friends you've made (send and receive a gift per friend a day)
Apk City Legends HD v1.01 Android Game Apps